Šetalište Stare Isse 5, 21480 Vis       +385 (0)21 717 017      +385 (0)21 717 018



Plisko poje and Sveti Vid (St. Vitus)

Sveti Vid is at the top of the hill and is located in the centre of the Vis plain where there is a small church of the same name which dates back to 14th century.

The panorama from this viewpoint extends over Velo polje to Malo Ljubišće elevated to the east, and from the Dračevo polje to Hum to the west. From there, as from a control tower, you can observe the runway of the former Yugoslavian aerodrome which is still marked with red and white pillars placed between the vineyards of bugava and kuč.

Within all interior villages, the only one that cannot be seen is located at the bottom of the hill: Plisko polje ("a small village that has so much wine as to satisfy a metropolis") is also famous for having the only cricket pitch in Dalmatia.

Although the Host admiral, for whom the Vis Club was named played cricket in his leisure time on Prirovo, modern cricket enthusiasts can enjoy a game in the Vis interior.