Šetalište Stare Isse 5, 21480 Vis       +385 (0)21 717 017      +385 (0)21 717 018



Church of St Cyprian and Justina

The late baroque church of St Cyprian and Justina was built in 1742 in the eastern part of Vis, in the region known as Kut. Here, there was once a church built at the beginning of the 15th century, whose remains are still visible in the rear wing of today’s church, with an immured opening of a Gothic window. 

A flat façade of the church shows late baroque decorations weaving with a number of gothic motifs – rounded and quatrefoil windows intertwine with baroque vaults on a triangular pediment.

Seven small windows together with a niche inside which was the statue of the martyr, St Cyprian constructors, adorn the upper part of the façade which ends with borders that have been executed with laid and threaded vaults.  In the lower part, close to the portal, there are shallow pilasters above which are roses.

The interior of the church hosts a spacious apse and two side chapels which give the church layout the form of a cross, but this is hardly noticeable thanks to the shallowness of the chapels.

The church ceiling is wooden and relief coffered with decorations in the form of rhombuses with stylized flowers whilst in its center a canvas has been inserted representing the Creator.

The altarpiece has no particular artistic value and is in the late baroque style and shows the martyrs of St Cyprian in bishop’s clothing in the center whilst next to him we can find St Justina who has been wounded with a sword, Anthony of Padua and St Nicholas. At the bottom of the painting is the signature of the Swiss painter working in Venetians: Melchior Vidmar with the year 1671.

Close to the church, there is also a bell tower built at the same time. It is decorated in the same way as the church façade with horizontal belts, quatrefoil openings, relief roses, angel heads, elliptic windows, and final vases.

A space for bells is in the mullion form whilst the roofing is pyramidal.

It also has loopholes oriented towards the port, thus making it is easy to see that the constructors had tried to use its dominant position for defense purposes too.